You have bits of a book . . . or maybe you even have the whole thing written. And you've shown it to your friends who all say the same thing: share this book! But you're not really sure where to go from here. Are your poems working? Is the title as strong as it could be? Are your line breaks working? Hold on and come over. We'll give you what you've been waiting for.
- Select poems for submission
- Discover places to submit to
- Get a professional cover letter and bio
- Submit your poems strategically
- Get your press kit
- Find contests, agents, and magazines to share your work with
- Make a name for yourself without doing the hard work
- Copy edit your work before it's published
- Have a second set of eyes on your work before you take the next step
- Have someone proofread your poems before you send them out
- Get your publication questions answered
- Get professional feedback on your questions
- Receive editing support today