Photo by Mike Tinnion on Unsplash
Believe us, we know that times can be tough and every purchase can use a second thought. However, that doesn’t have to affect your submission process! With the help of our elite friends at chillsubs, we’ve narrowed in on some literary magazines and journals that accept open submissions without a submission fee.
$ – Poetry is Currency
$ rejects cultural preoccupation with financial worth. $ loves poetry’s inherent non-monetary, anti-capitalist value. $ seeks poets who write what they believe most important, regardless of economics and the market.
*82 Review
An independent art and literature, online and print magazine that highlights words and images in gemlike forms, each issue of *82 Review includes a combination of flash fiction, creative nonfiction, erasure texts, narrative art, word+image, collage poems, and poetic storytelling.
2 Rules of Writing
A magazine for emerging writers, 2Rules for Writing try not to reject any applicants as long as they have a unique voice and perspective. They publish both one-off submissions and columnists while also offering writing classes.
Abstract Magazine
Abstract seeks fine art in all forms that engages with both the crises and joys of our shared human condition. They seek art that engages the edge of now and to explore a future forward zeitgeist with a respect for the gifts of the past.
Across the Margin
An online Arts & Culture magazine/ media group, within the pages of Across the Margin there is an eclectic mix of fiction, criticism, essays, satire, poetry, podcasts, and more that explore the current state of the world around us, and the depths of our human nature.
Black Moon Magazine
Black Moon Magazine dedicates itself to the discovered intersections of mixed-medium, art, and diversity. Their editors regard the culpability and duty of narrative, whether narrative casts light on world terrors or spotlights the beauty of being.
Catchwater Magazine
An online magazine dedicated to collecting art of all kinds! Catchwater Magazine accepts all forms of writing and visual art, and would also love to see weird hybrid things that may not fit into general publication categories.
The Dillydoun Review
The Dillydoun Review believes that a crucial element in perpetuating a healthy, vibrant culture is nurturing writers from a full spectrum of identities and diversities. They strive to publish and promote both emerging and established writers.
fractured literary
At fractured literary, they want to find Flash with emotional resonance and characters we care about, who come to life through their actions and responses to the world around them. They’re searching for Flash that investigates the mysteries of being human, the sorrow and the joy of connecting to the diverse population around us.
Free The Verse
A quarterly poetry journal, Free The Verse is designed to showcase the work of emerging and established poets. They believe poetry deserves a carved-out space in the online world and that it’s certainly powerful enough to stand on its own. We agree!
Hearth & Coffin Literary Journal
Founded with the explicit purpose of publishing new and upcoming writers with no submission fees, Hearth & Coffin places priority on provocative, exploratory, and accessible works that thrill and open the minds of readers, while each Hearth & Coffin volume has a theme.
Hobart want poetry from the margins, words that open new space without closing off recurring possibilities. There’s no one type of poem that they prefer of the other, although they’re often interested in poetry that doesn’t necessarily know it’s poetry and are looking to be moved by the beauty in what is common.
The Inflectionist Review
A small press. The Inflectionist Review is interested in publishing stark and distinctive contemporary poetry that fosters dialog between the reader and writer, between words and their meanings, between ambiguity and concept.
Josephine Quarterly
Josephine Quarterly (ISSN 2334-5888) is an online literary magazine celebrating the resilience and voices of underrepresented poets. They aim to publish four issues a year, but we are always reading and are interested in work from both established and new voices.
Karma Comes Before
Karma Comes Before welcomes stories from your inner child, present self, and full potential. The best parts of being a kid (candy, playing, crushes, etc.) and being an adult (independence, money, partying, etc.). But they’re also not afraid of exploring and healing through the worst: heartbreak, betrayal, lost friendships, etc.
Lucky Jefferson
An award-winning literary journal that generates interactive conversations around poetry and art by reforming the way journals are produced and shared, Lucky Jefferson is proud to feature poets and writers who have never been published, marginalized perspectives, and those who sought to pursue writing later in life.
MASKS Literary Magazine
A Weisman Award-winning, independent, print and online literary magazine, MASKS Literary Magazine is committed to amplifying the voices of emerging writers and visual artists. They’re eager to serve as a gateway for emerging creatives and publish new perspectives.
MOJO/Mikrokosmos Literary Journal
The staff at MOJO/Mikrokosmos Literary Journal is interested in poems that blur contemporary styles with traditional modes, poems that light up with raw energy but point in a specific direction, and poems that push through leaps of image and gesture but resound with a strong emotional core. All submissions will be considered for publication in our online issue. Selected works have the possibility of being published in the annual print edition of Mikrokosmos Literary Journal.
Nat. Brut
Nat. Brut’s (pr. nat broot) principal mission is to showcase the work of writers and artists who have been historically devalued or pigeonholed by art and literary institutions. They publish work that has been buried, ignored, and disappeared from public consciousness.
Olit is indie and polished. Literary with grunge roots. Their goal is to give underrepresented writers the floor, the mic, and the space they deserve. Olit serves up fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry that sizzles like a hot summer sidewalk on bare feet.
Seeking to publish work with the grit of heavy-duty sandpaper, Pidgeonholes wants words that will tear and scar. Send them your literary, speculative, experimental, or absurdly unclassifiable, just make it bold and beautiful.
Puerto del Sol
For over half a century, Puerto del Sol has been dedicated to provide a forum for inventive and fresh prose, poetry, reviews, criticism, and artwork. They pride ourselves in not following a standardized aesthetic—instead, they seek work that presents authenticity, sincerity, and respect.
The Read More Project
The Read More Project features some of the best prose, poetry, and narrative non-fiction around. They regularly publish work from a variety of writers, with a special focus on new and emerging writers. These works will span genres, styles, forms, voice, and more.
Scapegoat Review
Scapegoat is dedicated to publishing work that is original and thought-provoking. They aim to gather pieces that actively engage with the audience— which may be challenging, surreal, or even absurd, but they always express an interest in communication.
A literary journal, trampset publishes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry on a rolling basis. They welcome diverse voices, including writers working outside academia. They are looking for short fiction (short stories, flash fiction, and excerpts from longer works), nonfiction (personal essays, flash cnf, and engaging cultural criticism), and poetry.
Save your sweet cash for a brighter day and start getting yourself published. We have a full list of publications that are accepting submission on our quarterly Where to Submit blog and be sure to peep our post “How to Edit Your Way to Stronger Endings” before you press submit!
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