Where to Submit for Poets with Disabilities.

With the help of our besties at chillsubs, we've highlighted some lit mags that accept submissions with a focus on poets with disabilities.


Poetry is for everyone and let absolutely no one tell you otherwise! Though we have a full rundown of submission calls on our Where to Submit List, we have paired with our friends at chillsubs to spotlight some literary magazines and journals who rightfully place an emphasis on accepting work from poets and writers with disabilities. Peep some of our favorites below!

Awakenings Review

Established in cooperation with the University of Chicago Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation in 2000, The Awakenings Review is one of the nation’s leading literary reviews entirely committed to publishing the works of artists, writers, and poets with mental illness. The AR looks for submissions from writers and poets who have a distinct relationship to mental illness-either self, family member, or friend.

Blanket Sea Magazine

Blanket Sea is a magazine & small press dedicated to showcasing the work of chronically ill, mentally ill, neurodivergent, and disabled creators.They publish quality writing and art that is evocative, compelling, and tells a story. Our goal is to promote advocacy, action, and awareness around disability rights while being inclusive of creators from all backgrounds, races, orientations, identities, and ethnicities.

Exist Otherwise

A free bi-monthly online journal of creative writing and photography, the muse and inspiration for Exist Otherwise is the gender-non-conforming writer, photographer, actor, and activist, Claude Cahun. We seek work that is personal and willing to challenge. Submissions are always open!

The Globe Review

This literary journal strives to create an accepting and diverse community of writers based on the core values of tolerance and creativity. The Glove Review aims to empower marginalized and in any way, oppressed social and ethnic groups and to find the future leaders of literature!

If There’s Anyone Left

Publishing sci-fi/spec-fic from people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, members of marginalized genders, and disabled people, If There’s Anyone Left wants science fiction and speculative fiction. So long as it falls into one of those categories, they will happily read it.

Kaleidoscope Magazine

Kaleidoscope Magazine creatively focuses on the experiences of disability through literature and the fine arts. They accept the work of writers with and without disabilities; however, the work of a writer without a disability must focus on some aspect of disability. Writers should avoid using offensive language and always put the person before the disability.

Limelight Review

Founded in July 2022 with the goal of uplifting marginalized writers, Limelight Review’s main mission is to reach disabled and neurodivergent writers, Limelight is proud to uplift marginalized authors of any gender, sexuality, race, or identity and is more inclined to uplift the voices of marginalized writers. However, we will still consider submissions from everybody.

Open Minds Quarterly

Open Minds Quarterly is a literary journal welcomes writing and art from people with lived experience of what is variously called mental health challenges, mental illness, madness, neurodiversity. OMQ features a broad range of writing—including but not limited to prose, poetry, research, and reviews—and visual art. Their intention is to facilitate explorations of life in a mad world.

Magnets and Ladders

“Active Voices of Writers with Disabilities, ” writers with disabilities may submit up to three selections per issue to Magnets and Ladders . Writers must disclose their disability in their biography or in their work. Content will include many genres, with limited attention to the disability theme.

substantially unlimited

A literary journal by & for people with social, emotional, cognitive, & mental disabilities & illnesses, substantially unlimited may be “substantially limited” but our value is not.

URevolution: Diversity & Inclusion Disability Magazine

This magazine provides a rich collection of original and curated informative articles, personal stories, and short stories about disability and chronic illness. They’re looking for engaging stories and anecdotes about disability and chronic illness that ignite the conversation in a playful, interactive way.



Send us your work when you get published and remember, a good bio gives your readers exactly the right information. Check out our blog How to Write a Bio to craft one of your own.


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