Tell Tell Poetry’s WHERE TO SUBMIT POETRY – June, July, August 2024.

OMG, we’re halfway through 2024 already—where is this year going?!   This quarter, we’ve got dozens of calls for submission and contests opening for individual poems, chapbooks, and full-length collections between June 1 and August 31. Among the highlights are the May Sarton New Hampshire 2024 Poetry Prize, which awards $1,000 and publication for a […]

OMG, we’re halfway through 2024 already—where is this year going?!


This quarter, we’ve got dozens of calls for submission and contests opening for individual poems, chapbooks, and full-length collections between June 1 and August 31. Among the highlights are the May Sarton New Hampshire 2024 Poetry Prize, which awards $1,000 and publication for a full-length collection (due date June 30); Galileo Press is open for submissions of full-length and chapbook-length collections until July 31; and Dogwood Journal opens its contest for individual poems July 1 and selects one of its submitted poems for a $1,000 prize!

See where to submit your poems in June, July, and August 2024
Download the Excel File- Tell Tell Poetry’s WHERE TO SUBMIT POETRY – June, July, August 2024

In a new feature this year, we continue to include a tab on this spreadsheet titled “Awards for Self-Published Books.” If you’ve decided to self-publish your collection, there are five opportunities you can apply for this quarter after publication!


Our submissions list is designed to help writers like you find your dream small press, create new goals for yourself and your work, find new opportunities, publish your work with places from our curated selection process, and get your work in front of readers. If there’s something you want more of, or if you’re a press, lit magazine, or award for self-published poetry books that wants to be added to our list, let us know! 


Comment with your fave opportunities below, we’d love to see what you’re thinking.


Until next time!



If you notice an error or if you’d like to be added to the list, please email with WHERE TO SUBMIT in the subject line!

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