Translators seemed to be in their own world—connecting with cool authors, coming up with creative ideas to play with language, discovering (or rediscovering poets) and getting published with beautiful presses (cough Tavern Books cough). You want to break in to that world, but you’re not sure how . . . And even if you did know how to translate, how would you even get it published?
Heck no. It’s 2021. You can do whatever you want!
It depends, but we’ll talk about how to secure the proper rights.
Yes! And if you have questions, you can pop into the Facebook group to chat with established translators!
This course is for you! You’ll learn to get creative by uncovering really strange things about language!
New enrollments are open until May 20, 2021. The course will start in June!
Get unlimited course access for $299. Receive 1:1 feedback for $350.
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